Solo Self-Found Mode (SSF)

SSF is currently in somewhat of an "open-beta" state, and may be subject to future gameplay changes. Please direct any feedback to the SSF Feedback Discord Channel.

panisch has made an unofficial SSF FAQ/Guide on his Discord Server. This is not an official source supported by CW FlyFF, but may be helpful to players, nonetheless.

The Solo Self-Found Mode (SSF), is a game mode available on the main Clockworks server. It allows players to experience CW FlyFF in a different way, only able to use items that they have found. The main attractions of SSF are the removal of "pay-to-win" strategies, hypercarrying, and unlimited dungeon entries. These changes generally favor a solo and more casual playstyle.

SSF is a mode largely geared toward more experienced players, or players who are interested in a solo playstyle. If you're new to the server but are interested in SSF, make sure you're familiar with the game-mechanics and what items you'll need. See the General Progression Guide for information about character progression.

You cannot change an SSF character to a non-SSF character or vice versa! You also won't be able to trade items to or from an SSF character.

In order to create an SSF character, you must select the "Solo Self-Found Mode" checkbox at character creation.

When you create an SSF character, you will be tagged with [SSF] to indicate that your character is created with SSF Mode enabled. This prevents you from trading and interacting with non-SSF characters.

Because trading is severely limited (you can only trade an item to other players who were in the dungeon instance when it dropped), please plan accordingly. You will be locked out of any gear from a dungeon once you pass its entry level limit!

List of SSF Changes:

  • SSF players cannot trade with non-SSF players

  • SSF players can only trade dungeon drops with other SSF players, and only if both of them were in the same dungeon instance when the item dropped (trade is valid within 4 hours of the item dropping)

  • SSF players cannot open private shops or use AFK Vendors

  • SSF players cannot purchase items from private shops

  • SSF guilds are separate from non-SSF guilds and can only contain SSF players (and vice versa)

  • SSF players cannot be buffed by non-SSF players

  • SSF players cannot join dungeons with non-SSF players

  • Non-SSF players cannot tank mobs for SSF players

  • SSF players do not have access to guild bank

  • SSF players cannot leech EXP from non-SSF players

  • SSF players received 100% guild contribution experience

  • SSF players are not limited in daily dungeon entries

Last updated