Details: Parties
Below are many of the changes made to parties:
Parties are automatically "Advanced"
New Skill "Shield" (PvE damage reduction for the party leader)
New Skill "Experienced party" (Increased EXP. Rate for all Party members)
Level and Contributon EXP Share options have equalized total EXP given (no more Contribution being the most EXP efficient)
Ability to turn on/off penya share on a character basis
Ability to turn on/off auto join through the Party Finder
Ability to give someone the Party Assist role, making them a second leader (can activate skills and initiate Colosseum, advance stages, etc.)
Showing what map players are on
Leave Party button changing to a Kick Player button when clicking on someone as the party leader
Removing the need for a level 1 leecher for maximum exp gain
Considering a player with EXP stop enabled to be level 1 (So you can have a max level character following you for any reason) so they are not a detriment to your EXP gain
Last updated